RESULTS: Do YOU like or trust UGC when used in YOUR news..

Image: James Glynn

After two weeks of heavy polling. The results are in, we at GbU have analyzed them and here are our findings.

78% percent of you trust User Generated Content in our news, but only 27 % trust it without question, the other 51% trust it but only after they know it has been thoroughly checked. This chimes with what we have found when we have interviewed CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera in the last couple of months.

But although you trust it? Do you like UGC?

Only 30% of us like UGC in your news without question for the majority (44%) you need to know it is adding value and perspective. 8% like UGC for contacting news outlets and the remaining 18% don’t wish to see any UGC in your news.

So overall we like UGC but remain sceptical and need to know that it is trustworthy and adding value & perspective to reports. In an ever more connected world we can rely on UGC for immediate breaking news, but we want experienced journalist to sum up the day, if that requires using some UGC then we are fine with that but it must be combined with original professional content.

Do you TRUST user generated content in news?

Do you LIKE user generated content in news?

by JAMES GLYNN @jamesglynn

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